Cadastral Survey Perth

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Property Boundary Marks
cadastral survey property boundaries perth

What is a Cadastral Survey?

Cadastral land surveying is a branch of land surveying that focuses on establishing your property boundaries. When Horizon Surveys conducts cadastral surveying on your land, we determine the actual Boundaries and place Boundary marks on the corners of your land.

There are several circumstances in which cadastral land surveying becomes a necessity. Many cadastral land surveys happen when boundaries need to be marked to determine new fencing lines or when buildings need to be set out at specific distances from the boundary. (ie a Parapet wall)

Whether you’re a homeowner, a landowner, a local council or an engineer, builder or architect – Horizon Surveys will get the job done efficiently.

Solving Sub-division Disputes

Land surveyors are also incredibly useful in subdividing your property and solving land disputes.

In Perth, only Licensed land surveyors—like the ones here at Horizon Surveys—can place property survey markers to establish or re-establish your property boundaries.

Our Cadastral Survey Process

The Horizon Surveys cadastral surveying process is simple and thorough.

We search property documents such as the Certificate of Title and any pther paperwork that may affect the legal entity to the full enjoyment of your land.

These may include;

  • Easements
  • Restrictive Covenants
  • Memorials

Any item that is stated on the Title or Plan that may affect the use of the Land.

Get in Touch

If you’d like to know more about any of our survey services, call or email us now

Feature Surveys

Architects and Design Engineers require feature surveys prior to the initial planning and design phase of a project.

Detailed information about; roads, paths, buildings, retaining walls and vegetation will appear in a plan or digital report. The plans show Contours and levels to AHD (Australian Height Datum). Cadastral info (boundary) information is usually included as an overlay.

Re-pegs / Re-establishment Surveys

Original property boundaries may need to be re-established and marked by pegs. Such surveys can be time-consuming because the original boundaries and associated documentation could be 100 years old. A licensed surveyor needs to state that the work has been undertaken in accordance with current Survey Regulations.

Identification Surveys

Identification Surveys (always carried out by Licensed Land Surveyors) determine all improvements (buildings, awnings, garages and brick walls) in relation to the property boundary. Easements – such as; access, sewer, height restrictions – appear as comments in a report stating the legal description of the land and any encroachments by or upon the Land.

Lease Area Surveys

Commercial areas are often tenanted to third parties, and surveys may be required to calculate the area in question. A lease area survey can help determine the area under lease, using modern equipment and following the lease area guidelines from The Property Council of Australia. Depending on the tenancy, the Survey may be required to measure GLA (Gross Lettable Area) or NLA (Nett Lettable Area).

As-Constructed & Audit Surveys

As-constructed surveys and audit surveys are critical elements in deciding if a structure has been built to design specifications. The surveyor will draw up plans that reveal the dimensions and levels of a particular structure, including; roads, bridges, dams, excavation areas, or landfills. Audit Surveys are performed during the construction stage in order to verify positions for holding-down bolts, plinths, roads and structures.

boundary peg

Mining Tenement Surveys

A mining tenement survey is required to establish the extent of the actual mining lease area for mining tenements. The pegging on the ground needs to be found and any priorities of prior marking out need to be determined.

The Survey of a Mining tenement occurs after instructions issued by the Department of Mines and Petroleum are handed to Licensed surveyors who can then perform these duties noting the hierarchy of tenements.

Most types of survey reports, any time.

Surveying is a suite of many facets including Contour and Feature Surveys, Subdivision of Land (Green title or Strata), Construction set-out as As Constructed Surveys, Lease Area surveys, remarking of original boundaries and the Calculation of Volumes.

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